Our Veterinarians
Our Veterinarians
Charity – Pet organizations we support
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had unlimited resources of time and money to further the many worthy causes that deserve support? But just like you, we have limits on how much we can spend (both in time and resources) while providing optimal care for our clients.
We wanted to list some of the worthy causes that Oasis Animal Hospital actively supports. I have included notes from their websites to give you an idea of their mission.
Desert Moon Rescue is a compassionate animal shelter and pet adoption service located in Gilbert, AZ. Their mission is to provide a safe haven for animals in need, finding them loving forever homes. They offer a variety of adoptable pets, including dogs and cats. Their dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that each animal receives proper care, vaccinations, and spaying/neutering. At Desert Moon Rescue, they believe that every animal deserves a second chance at happiness, and they strive to make that happen through their adoption services. Join us in our mission to save lives and create lasting bonds between humans and animals.

Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships. Headquartered in Santa Rosa, CA, CCI is the largest non-profit provider of assistance dogs, and is recognized worldwide for the excellence of its dogs, and the quality and longevity of the matches it makes between dogs and people. The result is a life full of increased independence and loving companionship.
This life changing result begins with the CCI breeding program. Using advanced technology, the breeding program meticulously selects and pairs dogs for breeding. Volunteer breeder caretakers provide homes for the breeder dogs and whelp the puppies, returning the puppies to CCI national headquarters in Santa Rosa, California at age eight weeks.
From there the puppies are placed with volunteer puppy raisers across the nation for socialization and obedience training. Between the ages of fifteen and eighteen months the puppies return to one of five CCI Regional Training Centers across the country for six months of training.
CCI trains four types of assistance dogs to master over 40 specialized commands: Service Dogs, Skilled Companions, Hearing Dogs and Facility Dogs. After completing training, the dogs are teamed with a graduate during an intensive two week training period, Team Training. CCI is happy to serve those in need all over the country in addition to those living in Arizona. Among other activities we support the annual golf fund-raiser. 151015 CCI donation.
Arizona Sheltie Rescue Inc is a volunteer organization that serves the entire state of Arizona with respect to the rescue of Shetland Sheepdogs. We are a 501 (c)(3) not for profit organization. AZ Sheltie Rescue is comprised of volunteers dedicated solely to the rescuing Shetland Sheepdogs who come to us through shelters or private surrenders. Through these rescue efforts we provide placement and problem intervention service for all purebred Shetland Sheepdogs of both sexes and any age. We do not turn our backs on any purebred Sheltie! Meet some of the “Success Stories” of pets adopted through Arizona Sheltie Rescue.