Our Veterinarians
Our Veterinarians

Dog & Cat Surgery & Anesthesia
Oasis Safety and Comfort Package:
When you bring your pet to us for care, our assurance is that every pet will receive our safety and comfort package for painful procedures. Oasis Animal Hospital doctors perform both routine and complex surgical procedures, including spays and neuters, simple and advanced dental procedures, mass removals, skin biopsies, and abdominal exploratories.
Pre-anesthetic lab work:
If a person were undergoing surgery, the surgeon or anesthesiologist would require a blood screen to assess liver and kidney functions, blood glucose, electrolytes and a complete blood count. What if oral surgery was performed on a person and the surgeon was not aware of a blood clotting disorder? What if the patient was near kidney failure? A disaster could result because of the lack of information.
Now consider our patients. Obviously, they are unable to “tell” us if they are sick. More than likely, if some internal organ is unhealthy, the lab tests may be our first indication of an underlying disease. Therefore, we require pre-operative lab work.
Safety: What can be done to enhance the safety of this procedure?
Pre-operative lab work as described above is required for all pets that undergo elective anesthesia in our practice. By making this a basic level of care, we don’t try to decide which pets “may be OK without checking organ function”.
Intravenous catheter placement is done on all patients that will undergo any procedure with sedation or anesthesia that is expected to last more than 5 minutes. This is to give us an access route to administer drugs and cardiovascular support in case of emergency. It is also a method for us to give fluids to support renal function during prolonged procedures.
Cardiovascular and anesthetic monitoring is performed with both advanced diagnostic equipment (Surgivet-The Advisor® Vital Signs Monitor) as well as by continuous monitoring by our qualified technicians. There is much more to monitoring anesthetic depth then just watching the pulse and respiration. We have invested in state of the art anesthetic monitoring systems.
Body warming systems: Anesthesia can easily induce a lowered core body temperature. Old methods of using heating blankets or warm water bottles alone will not do. Not only are they frequently ineffective, but can be dangerous as well. When indicated, we employ the Bair Hugger® to keep our patients warm during extended procedures.
Comfort: What can we do to make sure that every consideration is given to making our patients have a smooth, quiet, stress-free and as nearly as possible pain-free procedure?
Pain management is one of the “hot” areas of interest in Companion Animal Practice. We approach pain management using “multi-modal” techniques when ever possible. This means we use various combinations of techniques and types of drugs to achieve optimal results. Local blocks are used to reduce pain and reduce the amount of gas anesthesia needed to maintain anesthesia. We use combinations of drugs to induce anesthesia. Often this includes opiods (or morphine-like drugs), dexdomitor and ketamine. Finally, most pets are sent home with Rimadyl®, Metacam® or Buprenorphine to help manage or control their pain. We take the trust you place in us as a sacred responsibility.
We will continue to strive the the most advanced safety and pain-relieving techniques so that we can treat your pets as if they were our own.