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Laser Therapy applications

Oasis Animal Hospital

Beginning March 1st, we are offering a new therapy for pets that may dramatically change outcomes for many pets. We now proudly offer laser therapy treatments for pets with some of the following conditions:

→  Arthritis →  Hip Dysplasia →  Acute Conditions →  Wounds →  Allergies →  Infections →  Cuts/ Bites →  Inflammatory conditions →  Tooth Extraction Pain Relief →  Sprains, Strains & Fractures →  Post-Surgical Healing / Pain Relief →  Chronic Conditions →  Degenerative Joint Disease →  Inflammatory Bowel Disease →  Periodontal Disease →  Lick Granulomas →  Geriatric Care →  Feline Acne →  Tendonitis

How can one type of treatment address so many different conditions?

Please follow this link to get basic information about how laser therapy works.

For more information, please refer to this page on our website.

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