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Pet Insurance in the news

Oasis Animal Hospital

I read an article in one of our trade publications about pet insurance. I was interested in this because it is an all-too-frequent situation when a pet needs vital care and the financial burden it places on the family is difficult to bear. When I talk to my physician friends, they lament the hassles and headaches with insurance in human medicine. But at the same time, I wonder how much more secure many of our clients would feel if they knew that catastrophic costs would be largely offset by a third party payment.

I estimate that as few as 2% of our patients are covered by pet insurance. I don’t know much about what distinguishes one company from another. I do know that all companies offer various packages from streamlined and inexpensive policies to more comprehensive ones that even pay for annual preventative care such as dental care.

Read this article from Veterinary Practice News and then if you care to, submit your comment on the pro’s and con’s of pet insurance and what it would take for you to actually purchase a policy.

Thanks for the wonderful care you provide your pets. I hope that there never comes a time when we won’t be able to offer available care simply because of the up front costs.

We have listed some of the most well-known pet insurance companies with links to their websites under Client information. Please visit this page at your convenience. [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"]


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