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Specialty Practices Available for our clients

Oasis Animal Hospital

We live in a time of increased specialization and the explosion of information. At Oasis Animal Hospital, we continuously strive to stay current on techniques and procedures for the ultimate benefit of our patients.

But there are many times where either an abnormal response to a standard treatment or the complexity of a medical or surgical case dictates that we need to refer to a “specialist”.

What is a specialist? In most cases it is a veterinarian with additional training and certification. They may be “Board-Certified”, meaning that they have passed the highest standards of knowledge and care in a given field.

A few of the veterinary associates we refer to have advanced training or interest in a special area of medicine or surgery. Ultimately, the care of your pet is our highest concern. Below are links to some of the Specialists or Specialty Centers to whom we refer:

Todd Lawmaster, DVM (Ultrasounds)

Gary Moody, DVM (Orthopedic and soft tissue surgery)

Melanie Lowrance, DVM (Housecall practice)

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